Friday, June 5, 2015

               CANCER DIETS - 3-Day Detox. Liver cleansing raw food anti cancer diet recipes for a healthy liver. Learn how to do an advanced liver flush protocol I LIVER YOU

CANCER DIETS - 3-Day Detox. Liver cleansing raw food anti cancer diet recipes for a healthy liver. Learn how to do an advanced liver flush protocol I LIVER YOU!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

                    REPIN this and then click here to print out the checklist:


              REPIN this and then click here to print out the checklist: www.melanieduncan...
                             Insider Investor tips: How to stand out as an #entrepreneur.

Insider Investor tips: How to stand out as an #entrepreneur

Shocking Video Reveals What Happens Inside Your Stomach When You Eat Instant Ramen Noodles

Shocking Video Reveals What Happens Inside Your Stomach When You Eat Instant Ramen Noodles

I recently wrote about a new study that revealed instant noodles were associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, especially in women. If you haven’t been put off by it yet, then you might re-think it after you read what happens to instant noodles inside your belly.

Scientists put a little, pill-sized camera inside the stomach of a person who just ate instant ramen noodles. This enabled them to follow the digestive process and observe what happens once the quick meal reaches the stomach. The results were disheartening for all instant noodle lovers. It appears that the body has great difficulty breaking these noodles down. After two hours, the meal was still more or less intact, which is very unusual. For comparison, when the participant ate homemade noodles, these digested much quicker, so after two hours there was hardly anything left to see in the stomach.
This small study was conducted by Dr. Braden Kuo of Massachusetts General Hospital, and was the first experiment of its kind. Dr. Kuo points out that his experiment doesn’t show instant noodles are necessarily harmful for you. The sample was too small, and further research is needed to establish the effects the slow digestive process has on the gastro-intestinal tract and your body as a whole. Dr. Kuo even admits still eating instant ramen noodles himself, but he does it in moderation.
Others are more cautious about eating instant noodles after this latest revelation. By staying in the stomach for so long, the noodles put a strain on the digestive tract as it has to work continuously. Also, instant ramen contains a lot of differentadditives and preservatives, which remain in the digestive tract for so long. It’s not sure what the long exposure does to the body, but it’s probably not that beneficial to your health.

Cleanse your kidneys naturally

How You Can Clean Your Body With The Best Foods..

 Every day the kidneys process the blood to sift out waste products and extra water.  The Kidneys are major organs in your body & are responsible from clearing waste from your entire Body. balance body fluids, form urine, and help in other important functions of the body.These become urine, which flows to the bladder through the ureters.

Foods to Cleanse Your Kidneys

The kidney can cleanse itself if you consume enough amount of fluids, which can come from foods such as fruits and vegetables as well as water and other liquids.
Water – staying hydrated and keeping your urine diluted is important for keeping your kidneys healthy. Water is the best choice, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day help your kidneys function properly. Staying hydrated is especially important if you exercise frequently or in a hot weather. In these cases you need to drink more water than usual to make up for the fluid lost by sweating.
It is important to note that if you have kidney disease, you may not need as much water, because damaged kidneys cannot get rid of extra fluid as well as they should. Depending on your stage of kidney disease and your treatment, your doctor may tell you to limit fluid consumption.
Healthy Eating
A balanced diet ensures you get all the minerals and vitamins your body needs. Fruits and vegetables improve your kidney function. If you suffer from kidney disease, you may have some nutritional restrictions that your doctor recommended. You may need to avoid certain foods if you have kidney damage, for example following low-potassium or low-phosphorous diet. If you are interested in healthy nutrition, get more information in my e-books featured in my Natural Health Revolution Program, a program that will help you to achieve your health, nutrition and weight loss goals.
Some good foods to eat for healthy kidneys include:
Watermelon – watermelon contains a lot of water and also has a function of diuretic which can make people produce more urine so as to remove more wastes from the body. Also read my article how to use watermelon as a medicine.
Lemon juice – you can add to your water half a cup lemon juice a day, as lemon juice helps to reduce kidney stone formation. You can also use apple cider vinegar instead of a lemon: simply mix 6 teaspoons or so in about a gallon of purified water and drink throughout the day.
Berries– berries are very rich in antioxidants and contain many disease fighting qualities. They help to flush out uric acid from the kidneys thus keeping them healthier. Cranberries and blueberries are the best choice among all the berries, as they contain a substance that washes away the urea and uric acid from the kidneys. Also red grapes are very good for the kidneys. To learn more about the amazing healing properties of cranberries and blueberries, as well as other berries, have a look at my e-book The Healing Berry Guide. This e-book will teach you how to transform your health with berries and is a must for berry lovers.
Apples – apples are high in antioxidants and fiber and have anti-inflammatory compounds which can improve kidney function.
Pumpkin seeds – pumpkin seeds are very good for the kidneys as they are wonderfully rich in a number of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Pumpkin seeds can promote healthy kidney function by reducing the risk of kidney stones. Find herehow to use pumpkin as a remedy.

Herbs to Cleanse Your Kidneys

Here are some herbs that help cleanse the kidneys:
1. Ginger – ginger contains antioxidant compounds beneficial for kidney function. It also has cleansing properties and it purifies the blood and kidney of all toxins. Read more about ginger in my article how to use ginger as a medicine for great health.

2. Turmeric– turmeric is rich in antiseptic properties and is used to treat many ailments. It has anti-inflammatory properties so it can help prevent and treat kidney inflammation and kidney infections. Read more about the amazing health benefits of turmeric.
3. Dandelion – dandelion leaves are especially one of nature’s best diuretics. They strengthen the kidneys, clearing water retention and promotes urination, and thus soothe irritations in the urinary system. Fresh or dried, all parts of the plant can be brewed into a refreshing tea that has diuretic properties. If you suffer from urinary tract infection, read my article how to treat urinary tract infection naturally.
4. Nettle – another herb that is used to benefit the blood and treat urinary tract infections. It has diuretic effect and keeps water flowing through the kidneys and bladder, washing bacteria away. Its high iron content makes it a great blood builder as well. Steep fresh or dries nettles in hot water for 10-15 minutes for a detoxifying, diuretic tea.
5. Parsley – this is one of the best foods that helps flush kidneys of all the toxins and is also beneficial for treating kidney stones and urinary tract infection. You can either include this food in your salad or other dishes or prepare parsley tea.
6. Marshmallow root – the root of the marshmallow plant is also a diuretic and is good for the kidneys. It helps to treat urinary problems such as urinary tract infection, kidney stones and bladder infections. Marshmallow root is considered a safe herb although it is recommended to take it several hours after taking prescription medications as it may inhibit their absorption.
7. Juniper – Juniper berries improve kidney function.  They are used for urinary tract infections and kidney and bladder stones. Juniper might also increase the need to urinate. Don’t take juniper berry if you have a kidney inflammation. Don’t use it continuously for more than 4 weeks, and don’t take juniper berry during pregnancy.
8. Yarrow – yarrow not only works as a diuretic, encouraging the kidneys to expel waste and water, but it has the added benefit of containing antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. While the diuretic action increases urine flow, the antiseptic action helps fight bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections.
9. Red clover – another diuretic herb that stimulates the removal of waste and water from the kidneys.
Herbal treatments are very versatile and effective. If you are interested in natural and herbal remedies, you can find more useful information in my e-book The Herbal Remedies Guide. This guide will teach you how to treat common ailments using herbs.
How to Make Ginger Ale at Home to Reduce Pain and Inflammation

How to Make Ginger Ale at Home to Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Ginger is extremely popular and versatile and has been used for its taste and health potential for thousands of years. It is rich in essential minerals and vitamins and is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain relief (analgesic) properties (and you can read more about it in my post how to use ginger as a medicine). Ginger has made its way into many products. Ginger beer, for example, is a beverage of choice for many. But why buy commercial soda full of unhealthy ingredients if you can make your own brew at home? Read on to learn about homemade ginger ale (also once called ginger beer) and its health benefits.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Choosing a Protein Powder: What Isabel Looks For

Choosing a Protein Powder: What Isabel Looks For

In the nutrition and health world, there will always be new products that come out on the market. I always do my best to give everything a "fair chance" and below I've described the process I go through when choosing supplements to use personally and to share with you.
You will also find a detailed description of how I implement BioTrust Protein Powder into my own daily meal plan (along with several reader questions answered).
Isabel's 5 Step Supplement Approval Process
  1. Does it contain any of the following? (If the answer is YES, I immediately say "NO, thank you" to even trying out the product.) Artificial sweeteners, vegetable oil, processed sugar, agave syrup, processed grains (in high amounts), soy. Nine times out of ten (yes, that many times) health food products I am sent contain one of these and I quickly tell the company owners that it is not something I would ever ingest personally.

  2. The owner/creator of the product MUST be willing to get on the phone with me to have a thorough discussion about the product. I always ask where the ingredients are sourced, what the manufacturing process is like, and who exactly is involved in the production of the product. If the owner is not willing to discuss these critical components with me, I do not try the product.

  3. Once I feel comfortable with what I have read and discussed with the creator, I use the product myself for a minimum of 30 days before sharing it with my readers and clients. During the "test" process I evaluate how the product makes me feel immediately after using it (gas, bloating, energy) and what its long term effects are (decreased body fat, weight loss, weight gain, etc.).

  4. If I am happy with the product and find myself using it regularly, I contact the owners again and ask for a discounted rate for my readers (hey, it doesn't hurt to ask, right?).

  5. I share all great stuff with you so you can decide whether or not it is a product that fits into your lifestyle and your healthy eating plan.
Frequently Asked Questions about BioTrust Protein Powder
Here are a few answers to questions I've received about my new favorite protein powder:
BioTrust contains "natural flavors"... what are they?
According to the chemists at BioTrust (I had a very thorough conversation with them), "natural flavors" constitutes whatever minimal flavoring comes off the extraction and low temperature processing of the protein. I can see how the extraction process of a protein would result in some residual "flavor" that has to be accounted for but is not necessarily an exact ingredient. Regardless, I am still not a huge fan of this term and would still encourage you to keep your ingestion of products listing "natural flavors" to as few as possible.
In my case, since all of the food I eat is natural (no processed food), this protein powder is really the only item in my current nutritional regimen that contains "natural flavors."
What is ProHydrolase?
ProHydrolase is a special enzyme designed to assist your body in breaking down whey protein, making it more usable by your body.
For me personally, I always thought the digestive discomfort I suffered as a result of using protein powder was because of the lactose in the formula or the fact that it came from cow’s milk. But after using BioTrust's protein powder and NOT experiencing any gas, bloating or digestive discomfort, I think the root cause may have been my body not having the ability to breakdown the whey protein into a digestible form. ProHydrolase is the enzyme that will break down whey protein so you do not suffer from digestive discomfort from ingesting whey protein.
Do I have to use protein powder to lose weight?
Whole foods will always be my #1 recommendation and you can get all of the nutrients you need by using the foods I recommend to you in Beyond Diet. Having a protein powder that you like on hand may give you a few more quick and easy meal options when time is an issue, but it is not necessary by any means.
The ingredients include Natural Smooth and Sweet Blend (creamer, Swerve, stevia leaf extract). Is this really okay?
The creamer is a natural oil based ingredient derived from a light-protected, cold-processed sunflower oil. It occurs at less than 0.5 gram per serving. Swerve is a sweetener containing erythritol and oligosaccharides, both naturally occurring in fruit.
The allergen warning states that BioTrust Protein Powder contains trace amounts of soy lecithin. Should I be concerned about this?
Soy lecithin must be added to most protein powders as an emulsifier in order for the whey protein to mix well. Soy lecithin's effects on the body are much less than harmful soy proteins, especially since the amount is so minimal. Using a protein powder that contains trace amounts of soy lecithin is drastically different than using a protein powder where the protein is derived from soy. I would never recommend a protein that used soy as its protein base, but I feel comfortable using BioTrust's protein powder that only contains trace amounts of soy lecithin.
Isabel, how and when do you use BioTrust protein powder?
Here's exactly how I use BioTrust protein powder in a typical week:
  • Add 1 scoop of vanilla or chocolate in my morning oatmeal if I have no time to make eggs.
  • Add 1 scoop of vanilla or chocolate to ½ cup of organic Greek yogurt and top with blueberries or strawberries as a quick snack any time of the day. (This is one of my favorite snacks right now.)
  • Mix 1 scoop of chocolate with 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in the evening for a small pre-bed snack.
  • If you are someone who enjoys smoothies, 1 scoop is a great addition to any healthy smoothie recipe.  Isabel's Favorite Protein Powder  #beyonddiet #healthlifesuccess